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It's A Haul Y'all!

Hey there!

The kiddo and I decided that we needed to explore our new neighborhood. We had a good breakfast at a local restaurant Another Broken Egg. If you follow me on Instagram, you saw the coffee cup from the restaurant. We were with friends so I didn't want to take too many pictures of my food. And, if you stay tuned, in a few days I'll explain what the whole neighborhood restaurant quest is.

But, after getting some fuel in my belly, the kiddo and I went shopping! We found a Wally World (that is not close to me at all. I probably won't go back to that location) and stocked up on bubble bath and picked up curtains. We also traipsed to Target and Home Depot (you know how it is). We needed to get the basics (cleaning supplies, towels, etc.). Then... THEN we went to the clothing stores!!!!!

I didn't really need anything but I wanted to show the kiddo what stores were in our area. She, of course, found some great stuff at Old Navy and Claires. Mama went to a few other stores.

I have mentioned Charming Charlie before. It's a cute little jewelry, clothing, accessory store. I like it because they have lots of sales that makes their jewelry a very good price AND when we went the clearance jewelry was BOGO. The kiddo scored big time! I was looking for rose gold pieces to match my new necklace from Bauble Bar. Charming Charlie has soooo many rose gold pieces that I could choose from. I went right to the back of the store to see if I could find some discounted rose gold pieces. They did not disappoint! I got these great earrings and beaded wrap bracelet. The bracelet was $4.99 (originally $10) and the earrings were $3.99 (originally $8), so my total price was $4.99 plus tax! I saved $13. Waaaaay to go!

The kiddo and I also swung into Bath & Bodyworks to pick up some Wallflowers fragrance plugs for the new place. I have the plain white ones but I wanted a cute one for my bedroom and I wanted the kiddo to pick a cute one for her bedroom. I didn't end up necessarily picking a "cute" one. I just picked a grey flower top one. My bedroom is silver, green and white so the grey blends in very well. The kiddo got the blue butterfly fragrance plug. She picked up hers because she liked it, not necessarily because it fit the room decor.

I don't normally walk into certain stores. I see the name and I just figure everything inside is super expensive. I should know better than that! Even more pricey stores have a discount area. And, White House Black Market is one of those stores. I hustled my booty to the back of the store and found three really cute tops!

The first top has already been on a test drive. It's a larger, flowing black and white striped three quarter length sleeves (originally $58, purchased for $29.99). It's light weight so it's perfect for summer visits to place like the movies or restaurants -- you know, places where the AC is going to blowing like crazy. I wore a basic, white, spaghetti strap tank top. I think next time I'll wear a tank (either black or white works) with wider straps. The top sleeves go where they want to and I kept being very conscious of whether or not my bra strap was showing. Bigger straps would have meant that I wouldn't have cared if the tank strap showed because they would have covered my bra straps.

The mint green tank top is really fun (originally $84, purchased for $19.99). It's a satiny tank that will look great under a jacket or wrap (and I am soooo into wraps right now). The straps are embellished with little rhinestone cuffs to just give it a bit of dazzle. I need some dazzle in my wardrobe. I'm glad this top has joined my closet!

I also added a simple pale grey tank to my wardrobe. It's basic and it was a good price (originally $40, purchased for $9.99). I don't have a tank this color or this design. I thought the design classed it up a bit so I think it will be nice for a work tank. Again, this would be a great with a plain jacket.

For a girl not looking for anything, I got pretty lucky this time! I just hope I get great deals like this every time I got shopping with the kiddo.

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