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The week that was . . .

Hello dear friends,

How was your week???  Do hope it was happy & creative & all round - a good one?? :-)   I see a couple of new followers have joined up - welcome friends, thanks for stopping by :-)


My week was busy but not in a creative way & I am getting the "shakes" from being away from my crafting! ! 

Life threw us a few "curved balls" this week but we all survived & I kept reminding myself of the saying "when life throws you scraps - make quilts" (or in my case, dolls, gollies or whatever else you enjoy...)

I managed to complete some of the painting of my kitchen & unpack lots more boxes - there is not alot of painting to be done but what there is is very fiddly stuff.  I carefully painted some tricky parts on Tuesday with the fire roaring to dry it all out - when I removed my masking tape, half my paint came along with it ! !  :-(        Yes that was me you heard ranting & raving ...

    So I finally have a few kitchen pics to share with you as we are slowly getting things back together in that area of our little house . . . 

The new (so far) uncracked Butler sink
The area beside my stove

 The very lovely tiling man has been & tiled above the sink & stove.  The poppy tiles I have carted around with me for almost 20 years - they came out of an old fire surround & I always thought "one day" I will use them . . .                    so I finally have . . . 

A friend made the glass doors with poppies on to match

A little corner as you walk in the french doors  . . . 

 We have put my old shelf back up (which I noticed has warped a little) & I have put my enamel-ware back on it . . . 

Somewhere I once read -  "how can you not feel cheerful in the mornings when you get to drink out of red polka dot cups???    So true ! !

 After the masking tape disaster (& a few others I wont mention) - I did a couple of things to cheer myself up -                                                While doing the grocery shopping I spotted a lovely little "babies tears" plant which was just perfect for my dottie china cup & saucer . . . 

 Because we have just kept my old stove I splashed out on some cheerful teatowels to cover the not-so-nice glass door . . . 

An amazing disguise dont you think - NOT to be used of course ! ! !

 And today - with my raincoat on in the pouring rain, I picked something to cheer the dark dining room up a bit - tho there is not much picking in the garden at the moment . . . 


A couple of other very important things of note from this past week  . . .  Nero (aka Mr Wolf/fat fluffy) had a birthday on Saturday - he turned 14 ! !  I am not sure in doggie years what that makes him as I know you times it by something but anyway  . . .  rather old :-)

He celebrated it in quite a few ways - he got to sleep in . . . 

Us older folk really enjoy our nap times you know . . .

 Despite all my protestations & vowing & declaring that it was NOT going to happen EVER . . .  he got to "chill out" on his blanket in the new kitchen area . . .

If I just stay down real low - do you think she will notice me ? ? ?

He also got his favourite food for tea that night - a whole packet of cooked sausages, cut up nicely into pieces & hand-fed to him by "yours truly" while I sat on the step and told him "cat stories" all the way through.(his favourite past time even tho he struggles to hear now)

And best of all  . . .  (from Mr Wolf himself) "Mum stopped poking the flippin camera in my face for a whole day " 

 Before I close dear friends I would just like to mention a special kindness that was given to me this week & certainly "made my week" - a blogging friend that I met through simply reading her blog, mentioned me in her latest post and what lovely, kind things she wrote about me & my little cottage - sometimes (in life) we all just need a little leg-up along the way & her kind words & photos were so very much appreciated with the added bonus of bringing me some more readers from across the globe - her name is Catherine & her amazing blog is An Angel in the Garden - I will try and give you a link but am still "learning" how to do this so may not get it right . . . http://anangelinthegarden.blogspot.co.nz/

I hope that works out to be "clickable"

Gosh, havent I rather raved on a bit this week - have a lovely week dear friends (& thanks for your kind words Catherine) - I am off to fill the wood basket YET again in between showers :-)

Love/hugs & friendship, 

Julie &(older) Mr Wolf X x x


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