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Stuff: What about "Ketchup from the Black Lagoon"?

There's naught sweeter to a blogger than the celebrity commenter and this humble little blog is rapidly becoming the freakin' Viper Room of horror blogs!

Besides Screamin' Cattleworks, who appears in the soon-to-be-reviewed Prison of the Psychotic Damned, we've had painter Isabel Samaras, whose surreal pop vision helped us give Lily Munster a stylish send off.

Now, joining this select group of V.I.P.-posters, we hear from Victor "The Undertaker" Ives, the zombie king numero uno behind Haunted Hot Sauce.

The Undertaker writes:

Hey all,

I realize this is an old post but I just had to respond.

I've been a "zombie-holic" for most of my life. For some reason, the thought of the living dead seemed more believable to me than some of the other Hollywood monsters and therefore more frightening. It's only because of the recent zombie trend that people are interested enough in my products for me to build a business from it. I'm in zombie hot sauce heaven! Not only am I able to build a small business creating zombie-themed hot sauce products and building cedar coffins, I get to talk about it all year long w/ fine folks such as your selves. Feel free to contact me if you're interested in pursuing one of your other monster-themed hot sauce ideas...sounds like fun! Thanks!!

Stay Rotten,
Victor "The Undertaker" Ives

So the question I put to you, Screamers and Screamettes, what monster-themed hot sauce should we propose?

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