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"Outfits; So many heartaches, so many faces"


University has started again and I am no longer the med student slacking off at Starbucks but the med student stuck in anatomy and microbiology courses from 8am to 6pm almost daily. Needless to say it was a pretty bad week with the long hours being just the tip of the oh-so-embarrassing and annoyingly depressing iceberg. Thank god for the weekends and Dexter, right?

I had some pretty outfits this week but of course, me being me, I completely forgot to take photos... So here you have the photos from my trip this weekend and a promise that next week I will be better. Doctor's honor!


Dana and Mada on our first night out in that new city!

Me and Minnie (with me being a tad drunk!)

Nothing is better on a walk at 3am in an unknown city than passing by a cemetery.

My outfit: dress: Mango, tights & socks: unknown & Golden Point, boots: Musette, headband: Accessorize, leather jacket & scarf: bought in Rome, unknown


Day Two. The old town center.

Minnie looked more than adorable. I think you all agree that we should steal her shoes.

Best food ever!

Me, Mada, Minnie and Dana after we finally found someone to take our tourist-y photo!

I really loved that city!

Truth or Dare with wine shots before a night on the town = perfection!

Outfit: dress: Kotton, leather jacket: bought in Rome, tights: Golden Point, boots: Musette, belt & sunglasses: thrift.


Song of the Day: Moby - Extreme Ways

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