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New Neighbors: Children and Dogs

The neighbors must have moved from a short distance because about six passenger vehicles, cars, SUVs, and pickups came in droves with household items just stuffed into the passenger cabins. Then, a truck with a flat trailer bought all the outdoor items. Finally a box rental truck showed up several times with many people on hand to empty it. 

I did not see all this. Tommy would remark on what I did not see. He said at one point that there at least five balls in the yard. When we left, there were four basketballs and another play ball. Their place was a beehive of activity for about four days. Now, there are 17 balls. ??? He probably did not count, just saying there were a lot of balls. He goes to mailbox and to the laundry room, so sees more than I do. 

As we were leaving, I heard someone yelling and turned back to see what or who it was and if the yelling were for me. A little girl on the porch about seven yelled with great gestures--we live here over and over. We live here now. This (as she points) is our house. Of course, I was responding with Hi and oh, nice, I see. Then, a little boy about five who was in the driveway was gesturing to the back yard. Over and over, he said something and I responded with vague remarks like I see and Oh, okay. 

When we got into the car, I told Tommy to back down the road to their house. The children came running to our car. (I hope they don't do that all the time.) The little boy asked me "would you like some of these? as he held up two colorful cards about 4x4 inches. I told him one would be fine and took the rainbow one. The little girl rushed up.

Here, she said, you can have these and thrust three black cards about 3x3 inches into my hands. Then, the little boy gave me a stick about 3 inches long and told me I could make pictures on the little cards, any kind of picture you like. 

Then, he proudly pointed to his two dogs. That was what he was gesturing about. I thought he was saying he had a swing. But, he told me his dogs' names which I have now forgotten. He told me the dogs were just puppies still. One he said was a German Shepherd. It did not look like it to me. 

The big dog has a long, low, hollow bark that resonates. The small dog is the yippy yappy kind. They bark at the same time--loud and long.  Someone save me. So far, it has not been bad or annoying. 

I hated to take their pretty crafts, but they really wanted me to have them. I know my children would be sad if they thrust gifts onto new neighbors and their gifts were rejected. The little black cards could be scratched off to reveal a picture. I think I will do one and offer the other two back. 

There is a chocolate fudge cake mix that was given to me. I will make cupcakes for the children.  I was going to use cream cheese to make frosting, then decided to use powdered sugar and butter for the icing. In the end I bought a cheap Food Club brand ($1.69) to spread on. I decided my time on my feet needed to be spent on other things. Besides, cream cheese cost more than that. The kids will still like it. 

Wednesday, after sleeping for two hours we went to Cullman. I got the mail, stopped at lawyer's office, drove past my lot instead of stopping and got to the pickup meal and waited. After we ate, I only went to one grocery store. Going home became more important to me as the minutes passed. 

We picked up our lunches and lunches for a couple and ate at their home. They are 90 and 91 and still rather spry and live in their own home. After lunch I was even more anxious and cancelled other plans so we could go home. 

A long nap really refreshed me. And, another lunch brought home was Tommy's dinner, so he only had to heat it--ham slices, mac n cheese, baked beans, a roll, two cookies.  The ham was a ham not pre-sliced stuff, really delicious. Tommy got to eat all the beans!

We are in the midst of eight days of no rain and rising temperatures. I love it. I heard something about showers, but not sure. It will not be storms like we have had once a week. 

The kids next door are precious! It will be good to have children around. I think the other two children are teens. And, the dogs, well, they are dogs. 

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