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A Very High 5 for Friday!

It has been a really, really good week. It was filled with nothing but work and the gym, but I feel really accomplished.
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To begin, I would like to ask for you guys to pray for my dad. I have mentioned before that he has incurable cancer. He has been battling a brain tumor over the past couple of months. It has been causing him to stay really sick and have seizures. He went to Duke yesterday to have brain surgery so the tumor could be removed. However, once the doctors started, they noticed that the tumor is too far in his brain to be removed. 

To say I am shocked would be an understatement. I could barely breathe last night when my sister told me what was going on. But the doctors are going to meet with him and my step-mom to go over the next steps to help him. Chemo does not work and he has already had too much radiation. I have been told though, that the doctors may able to do radiation again. I do not know what is going to happen, but my family seems in good spirits and it looks like there may be alternatives he can do so I feel OK about everything right now.

I went to the doctor yesterday for my B12 injection. While I was there I was weighed. Last week I was up 2.3 pounds for the first time in 6 weeks since beginning my journey. I lost 4 pounds this week! I am down 23.1 pounds since November 25th!

I work out with my best friend everyday at the gym after work. She then comes over to my apartment at least once a week for dinner after. This week I made some delicious concoctions:

Roasted vegetables - zucchini and mushrooms. I sliced them, drizzled extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar and feta cheese then roasted at 350 for 45 minutes. Delicious!

Next I had a sweet potato left over from when she was over at my apartment Friday. It was a really big potato and I did not want it to go bad, but I did not know what to do with it. So I boiled it until tender, added 1/2 cup of unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk, ground cinnamon, and took my mixer to cream it. The result was an odd type of mashed potatoes. However, it tasted so good - it tastes like pie to me!

At my work, we dress business casual everyday. On Wednesday's we have a Manager's meeting. I usually dress up for that, just because. I am the youngest person there so I like to make myself look better when I can. Ha. I wore my black business suit with a lace and leopard print cami under it. I am glad my President is so cool and lets me be me. Ha! The top is from Victoria's Secret but I have had it a while, I don't know if it's still available.

Oh and my curls cooperated, too. Score!

My company is an Administration company and we provide the support for many publishing distributors. Thus we get free magazines every week on Wednesday. I am really excited about my picks this week!

Yesterday was my off day from the gym. Man I needed it too. I was so sore. I grocery shopped after work. Since I have been trying so hard to work off the baggage I obtained in 2013 via weight gain, I am really educating myself on eating more organic. Thanks to my Amazon Prime account I was able to "borrow" a book on the Kindle library about organic eating on a budget. I want to continue to eat this way as long as I live so I am really excited to play in my kitchen this week to create new, delicious, and most of all clean recipes.

Lastly, since it is the middle of the month, you know what that means - Ipsy bags! What do you guys think about the bag this month? I finally received mine last night. The bag is different than the usual style, but I like it. Also the items in the bag are not usually what I get, but I am intrigued. I am most excited to try the deep conditioning treatment for hair. Since I color my hair a lot, I spend a lot of money to keep it healthy. Also included was a light face lotion. My face is naturally really oily so a light lotion is a must on my face.

If you do not know what Ipsy is, it is a makeup bag that comes once a month. It's $10 flat. You are charged on the 1st of every month and your items come in the middle. When you go to the website to sign up, you will answer questions about your beauty and skin routine to closely match which products will suit you best. You then receive 4-5 full size beauty products. If you do not receive Ipsy and want too, please use my link! Click here to sign up!

Don't forget to be a part of all of the awesome Friday link up's going on today; click here!

That is all I have for now, I hope to have some delicious recipes coming your way next week! Have a great weekend.

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