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Maximizing Your 24 Hours

We’ve all seen the quote “You have the same hours in your day as Beyoncé.” It trivializes a more significant question: “What steps are you taking daily toward your dreams?” While the realities of most people don’t consist of a massive network of experts who are aiding in building a globally recognized empire, each of us have these three things in common with such notables. 1. A desire or dream; 2. A network of some kind, and, perhaps, most importantly; 3. A starting point.

For many successful people like Queen Bey and even my husband, their journey did not begin
with the magnitude of resources they now enjoy. They amassed the ability to accomplish tremendous things the good ole fashion way: By working extremely hard to reach that level over a long period of time. Similar to an old oak tree, most highly successful people have far-reaching roots that go deep down into the history of their efforts and pursuits. For them, the great success they now enjoy didn’t happen overnight. Instead it has happened over a lifetime of putting in the work. Essentially, this means working while SO MANY others enjoyed the luxury of sleeping, partying, or simply doing something else.
Even now, having tasted the fruits of decades of hard work, my husband still works more than he ever sleeps. His day begins well before the crack of dawn and often goes way into the wee hours of the night. But his dreams, his desires, require it! What do yours require? And what are you doing with your twenty-four hours?
Perhaps to get where you truly want to be you have to make significant changes in time management. If you don’t know where to begin, study the routines of those who are already succeeding in the areas and fields you are interested in, and make adjustments where necessary. At the very least, do one extra thing each day to help move you toward your goals and watch how, over time, if you stay committed, you will transform the reality of your twenty-four hours.

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