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Birthday in Barcelona

Birthdays come once a year, which means they should be spent having the most fun you possible can. It is after all, the one day when people will treat you extra nice. 

Last year I spent it having a rather typical meal with a handful of friends. This year? I hopped on a plane to Barcelona. 

At midday, a taxi picked me up where I met an excited Caroline. We started as we meant to go one, drinking champagne in the taxi, and eating the best brownies ever aka Caroline’s special recipe.

We decided to start with a bang, and flew business class, which meant free bar!

After only 2 hours in the sky, we landed in Barcelona, where we whizzed off the Ohla Hotel. The Ohla Hotel is a new five-star hotel located in the heart of Barcelona, right next to La Ramblas, meaning it was the most perfectly located hotel for nipping to all the sightseeing spots.

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On the roof, is the most amazing terrace, with spectacular views over Barcelona. This is what really sold it to us.
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Just look at that.

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With no time to spare, it was time to get the first birthday drinks round in under their canopy huts.

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After chatting, and giggling away for what seemed like ages, we headed back to our room for a quick change, ready to hit the town.

My outfit comes from Zara and Matalan, which are all well worn staples in my wardrobe.


But the new additions are this gorgeous peridot ring- the birthstone of August- from Gemporia, which I just love. How pretty is it?

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And of course, little red heels from Caroline, from Tatty Devine. So in love with these. 

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We had a bit of time to kill, so setting up the boom box, we blasted out classic tunes and drank champagne. What better way to celebrate a birthday!

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We were fully in the party mood now, and so we headed back upstairs for some more drinks. 

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With more than enough champagne in our systems, we decided to have vodka cocktails at our table. I do love how the Europeans make everything so strong. Wow, we weren’t going to need many of these!

Our one complaint was that the sound system was just so quiet, but fear not, Caroline whipped her boom box out of her bag- seriously, women do carry the most bizarre things in there bags!

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I have never seen sweets before as bar snacks before. London, please take note!

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I'm sure you have that friend too, that you can just chat about anything too. Never is there a dry moment, and usually everything ends in laughs and giggles. Well Caroline is just that, meaning my birthday was an absolute hoot!

After what must have been hours giggling away, we decided to call up a taxi, and head off into Barcelona's bar scene. This is where the camera ends, and probably best too.

I had such a fantastic birthday, and maybe the headache the next day to prove it, but fear not as there was lots of food to aid our recovery's. More on that next time...

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