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Rihanna Officially Named...

'Most Streamed Female Artist of All Time' by the UK's Official Charts Company which has just announced it's Most Streamed Song and Act figures!   Official Charts named Arctic Monkeys the top overall #1 spot for most streamed act generating 103.3 streams, Eminem followed with the #2 spot with 94.1 streams and lastly Rihanna comes in as the #3 overall most streamed act with 87.8 streams, which solidifies her spot as 'Most Streamed Female Artist of All Time'!  Official charts also named the song "Pompeii" by English rock group Bastille with the outstanding honor of UK's Most Streamed Song of All Time!

Rihanna digital blueprint has seen no other female artist including Beyonce, Katy Perry & Taylor Swift even come close to her clad iron clasp on today's music digital and Internet presence!  Continual #1 Hit singles, and unparalleled digital sales has kept Rihanna ahead of her competitors and critics! Check out the chart!

#Rihanna #UKOfficalChartsCompany #MostStreamedFemaleArtist #MostStreamedSong #Bastille #Eminem #ArcticMonkeys #buzzfeed #celebritynews #musictopartists


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