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sex and the city 2 : the movie updates

its seems people are very divided about the new sex and the city movie. the poll on this site revealed a 50/50 split between those who meh, if it's on it's on. and those who think miss bradshaw is a legend.
So my pretties........some gossip for you......
Patricia Field is on board. an earlier post of mine revealed that she was not too keen to work on the new film after Miss Parker said she wanted the film to relfect the economic times by having the recession as part of the film. well, Miss Field was not a fan. claiming rightly so, that people went to see sex and the city for the fantasy of the clothing and not reality of the economic depression. right on sister!
so.....who won?
they both did. apparently the designers have been lowered to more affordable ones such as the new line from Halston hertiage which start at two hundred pounds. which is amazing considering the budget on the last film. two hundred pounds on the last one would have got you half a shoelace.
the fans have been going insane in new york queueing up for days for a glimpse of the girls. as i said in my vote. meh.
of course grazia went one step further and gained a 'valuable' guote from that nut job off Gok Wan's fashion fix. that american fool with that mutt who can't speak in normal volume, talks complete bollocks, oh and fancies herself a fag hag. Brix of course.
( is it just me or did anyone else switch off the programme when she came on? i just couldn't stand her talking through her nose. or rather shouting)
but apparently Brix had a 'fashion-gasm' when she saw the pics. er, correct me if i am wrong but were grazia so hard up for quote from ANYONE involved in the film that they went to someone who is not even involved for a random quote??????? someone with the intelligence of a five year old on speed????? and fashiongasm??????? oh dear lord Gok love, do yourself a favour. go get a hard drink in a dark bar and see a friend of mine who can organise to have this woman dealt with before you loose anymore fans.
onwards with the gossip.
I have secured another load of juicy pics from the flashback sequence. the ones of carrie were released after being leaked last week. so here are the rest of the girls as they were in the 1980's!
and here are some spoilers for you :
1 - carrie apparently becomes pregnant
2 - mr big looses money in the recession after his business goes tits up. he moves to london for work and meets a girl who he cheats on carrie with
3 - kim cattrall has a new toy boy
4 - the girls will be in morrocco for a few weeks.

i dunno. the whole pregnancy thing is just a little bit. disapointing. it was such an easy cop out. she gets married, then what? ooooh i know....yawn.
I will go and see it. i will. but i think at this point the 'girls' would be better admitting that they are in this for the money and make another series. i mean lets face it. name one stunningly brilliant film one of the girls has been in since satc.
they were typecast and everyone can't see they as anything other then the four girls. which is a shame. the only one whose outside work I am interested in is Cynthia Nixon. who came out as a lesbian in 2004 and is now campaigning for gay rights and using her fame for important stuff instead of appearing in films like 'failiure to launch.' (shudder)

by the way, anyone looking for the clothing off sex and the city. the waiting list for halston heritage is open now on www.start-london.com and will be advailable from december. but lads, its good. i've seen it.....

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