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megan fox tattoos 2011

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 19, 06:33 PM
    I was under the impression he was referring to the 'Lybia' in the thread title.

    Perhaps, but being Canadian, we are always willing to accept blame for our alleged transgressions. :o

    megan fox tattoos 2011. MEGAN FOX TATTOOS 2011

  • hokka
    Jan 2, 05:39 AM
    new iPod that can be used to control & maybe mirror what's shown on the new iTV within range, and it uses BT headphones to avoid the problem of plug & unplug 3.5 jack all the time. All changed from a single dock...

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  • Megan Fox Giorgio Armani 2011

  • apb3
    Aug 19, 09:39 AM
    If they go the aforementioned route, they need to keep a dedicated iPod so that the price point stays down. Seems like they'd have the common sense to just know to do that, but you never know sometimes..

    Yeah. let's hope... But my confidence in the ability of others to be as smart and cool as I was never developed as a child.

    I've just been surprised by all the calls (almost frenzy-like) by others on this thread (it seems you and I are pretty much on the same page as I just read your comments you entered while I was entering my own) to make the iPod, basically, an all-in-one type peice of crap. I have honestly asked why they really need this and have only sen one (maybe two) cool, albeit niche-type, uses.

    While some may say Steve is mercurial, I hope in this case he is 1) on my side here, 2) just as mercurial and controlling as rumored and 3) pays no attention to this thread or any polls in which like-minded individuals participate.

    megan fox tattoos 2011. Megan fox tattoos
  • Megan fox tattoos

  • joe.cavers
    Feb 21, 03:57 PM
    Yeh, but for the same price and just a 1-week wait, why wouldn't you hold out unless it was an emergency?

    Last time I did that, they took away Firewire. I'm an audio guy, my drives are all Firewire. I was unhappy and bought second hand.

    Lesson learned :(

    Anyway, on topic, setup. The Macbook is nearing retirement. Bonus points if you know what film that is on the screen (I just did an analysis of the score for my Film Music class at Uni).


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  • megan fox tattoos rib.

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 10, 10:56 AM
    I definitely think driving a manual makes me a safer, more attentive driver.

    I'm against crap that makes people lazy like adaptive cruise control, auto headlights and auto wipers and stuff like that, I suppose an automatic can fall in there too. That stuff makes drivers lazy and inattentive because they don't have to concentrate on the road.

    The amount of times I see people who do not turn on their head lights at night makes me glad that a lot of cars have automatic headlights.
    Way to many people refuse to turn on their headlights until they need them to to light up the road. They do not understand the fact that headlights also make a hell of a lot easier for other drivers to SEE YOU. Automatic headlights solve that issue.

    As for adabptive cruise control I will admit I want that because on long drives having to mess with the cruise control settings gets annoying that or if I am following someone on long distance road trips it is hard to use the cruise unless you are the lead car.

    As for me I drive a Manual but I also know manuals are a dieing bread as modern Automatics have gotten to the point they remove almost all the advantages manuals had. They can and often times do get better fuel economy due to the fact in city driving they have a computer that can shift exactly at the best point for the given power demand. Something no human can match and then at cruising speed the tranny and the engine are physically lock together just like in a manual so that advantage is gone. Hell they are not putting clutches in automatics that the car controls farther killing any plus the manuals had left.

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  • Apple OC
    Mar 19, 03:45 PM
    Is it me, or does war seem kind of rediculous now. :cool:

    I mean, I understand the need for "non occupational forces", but this is getting kind of rediculous. It almost seems like it's almost a capitalist motive to demonstrate weapons for sale at every opportunity. :D

    I am a bit suprised the Mods let you start such an Anti-American thread title ..."U.S. will use Lybia as aerial target practice"

    This is not about the USA ... this is about the UN Security Council deciding to stop a Dictator like Gaddafi from forcing his will on the people of Lybia.

    The USA is only one of 10 countries that approved this decision.

    Those with knowledge of this situation will agree that sometimes people need protection from thugs like Gaddafi who tell his people "there will be no mercy" and fire weapons upon them for the sole reason of staying in power.

    where many others in this thread just want to chirp more "Ridiculous" Anti-American crap.

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  • MacSA
    Sep 6, 12:46 PM
    The 1.6 - 1.8 chip upgrade on the high end Mini looks more like something we would have seen during the PPC days. :mad:

    megan fox tattoos 2011. megan fox tattoos.
  • megan fox tattoos.

  • designed
    Mar 23, 11:36 AM
    33 mins per frame with the iMac i7? That seems awfully fast. 25k PPD. That looks like the time of a 3Ghz 8 core previous generation Mac Pro.

    Actually I'm using a Mac Pro with a 8-core 2,26GHz setup.

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  • jeznav
    Mar 31, 05:07 PM
    Can anyone comment on under the hood performance improvements? CPU and RAM usage at idle?

    Preview 1 raped my Air

    I get 5% CPU usage on idle and 880MB ram usage on fresh boot.

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  • megan fox rib tattoo

  • Prints
    Oct 23, 07:28 AM
    Tuesday Release!!!!

    from your lips to Steve's ear....

    megan fox tattoos 2011. megan fox tattoos what do they
  • megan fox tattoos what do they

  • appleguy123
    Jun 22, 04:34 PM
    it is the only product now to start with the "i" and not run the "i"OS.

    iPod? iLife? iSight? iWork? The i naming scheme is more pervasive than it appears.

    megan fox tattoos 2011. megan fox tattoos rib. megan
  • megan fox tattoos rib. megan

  • MacinDoc
    Oct 23, 07:58 PM
    sorry to quote myself, but i just realized that the UK Mac Expo is this week, and that would be a good venue for releasing new MBPs

    so my prediction is Oct 26 at the UK MacExpo.

    Apple is attending, but no keynote, so I'll put my money on tomorrow, Tuesday Oct. 24 for the MBPs, with the Macbooks 4 weeks later (Nov. 21), still in time for Black Friday, which will be Nov. 24. This will allow Apple to take advantage of pent-up demand for new machines by selling the higher-priced MPBs before the new MacBooks are introduced, and still have the consumer-oriented machines ready for the biggest consumer retail day of the year.

    Specs? Core2 Duo 2.16 GHz base 15" model with GeForce Go 7300 and 100 GB HD, upgraded 2.33 GHz 15" with GeForce Go 7600 and 120 GB HD, and 17" with similar specs to the mid-range model except a 160 GB HD. All with 8X DL SuperDrive and (gasp!) 1 GB RAM (single DIMM), upgradeable to 3 GB. Prices should stay about the same.

    As for MacBooks, I expect 1.83 and 2.0 GHz Core2 Duos, with (again!) 1 GB RAM (2 DIMMS), and HDs bumped to 80 GB for the white MacBooks and 100 GB for the BlackBook. Sorry, but Intel Integrated Graphics are in the Macbooks to stay, at least in the near future. Prices should again stay about the same.

    megan fox tattoos 2011. Megan Fox Kissing Her Marilyn
  • Megan Fox Kissing Her Marilyn

  • mrapplegate
    Apr 3, 05:48 PM
    I have the same thing happens with my safari in full screen where you hover your mouse over the top and the menubar slide down it is a bug because it the bar serve no function right now -that definitely did happen in DP!
    Although Safari has not crashed yet where it crash several time a day in DP1

    I don't think it is a bug. It allows more screen to show when using full screen mode. The menubar re-appears when needed. Preview auto hides the menubar as when in full screen mode.

    megan fox tattoos 2011. Megan+fox+armani+2011
  • Megan+fox+armani+2011

  • MacFever
    Apr 21, 12:31 PM
    I don't see the big hoopla and the press who are probably not very tech savy just ran with this....

    If you really knew about the features Apple offers with the iPhone then they would know that they have a service to find your stolen iPhone...how else would it work...?? lol morons.

    This is no biggie.

    This is also capable on any phone...triangulation can be done on any cellular device if the "authorities" wanted too look for someone.

    megan fox tattoos 2011. megan fox tattoos marilyn
  • megan fox tattoos marilyn

  • torn
    Oct 2, 10:41 AM
    I also bought mine from ebay


    megan fox tattoos 2011. megan-fox-tattoo-2.jpg
  • megan-fox-tattoo-2.jpg

  • milo
    Sep 6, 04:53 PM
    Apple's cheapest computer= Mac Mini. Also, I was comparing that to my less then 6 month old 1.83 Ghz MBP.

    Ah, I misunderstood. Well, it shouldn't be a surprise. At some point even the $599 mini will have a chip faster than yours. That's just the way things go.

    I wonder if Apple will be able to ship a monitorless, affordable, quiet core 2 computer before a boutique vendor fills the gap. If so, no mac for me!

    There's a good reason apple didn't go Core2 on the mini...it would make it too close to the new minitower they'll be announcing soon!

    megan fox tattoos 2011. megan fox tattoos
  • megan fox tattoos

  • Small White Car
    Mar 22, 03:58 PM
    The eMac hung around for a long time.

    I'd certainly believe that Apple will keep selling these things online for several years, long after they take them out of the retail stores.

    Sales to dance club DJs alone probably makes it worth it to keep making them.

    This does make sense. It's also a nice opportunity to add Thunderbolt to a device.


    The big problem with hard drives is that they're slow. How would a faster connection help an iPod Classic in any way?

    megan fox tattoos 2011. January 24, 2011. MEGAN FOX
  • January 24, 2011. MEGAN FOX

  • twoodcc
    Feb 19, 09:59 PM
    Good question, I'm not sure at this point. Lets me see; the MP was doing a bigadv unit every ~46 hrs which would yield maybe ~25k per day, the i7 isn't doing so well with 3 gpu and win 7 on it, I would guess maybe 2k/day or less. It doesn't seem to slow down the gpu's fortunately.

    I wanted to ask you about oc'ing the i7, every time I tried to bump it up it started freezing or crashing, I have a water cooler on it which seems to do a really good job. I've just left it at stock but would like to try to get it higher sometime. I don't have any experience with oc'ing as I mostly stick with mac and Linux which don't have the tools/ability for oc'ing like windows does.

    ok. now do you have the 2.66 or 2.26 mac pro octo?

    for the i7, what most people do is run linux in a VM and do the bigadv units while also doing gpu units. but i wouldn't do this unless you're running at least around 3.3 ghz. i'm running around 3.6 ghz i think, and i have 2 gpu's going on mine. it slows down the bigadv units, but the gpu's make up for it.

    how are you trying to overclock now? just in the bios? that's basically just how i do it - in the bios. but that will depend on your motherboard

    megan fox tattoos 2011. What are Megan Fox#39;s tattoos?
  • What are Megan Fox#39;s tattoos?

  • neoelectronaut
    Jan 18, 01:41 PM

    New 2011 Ford Fusion SE which is replacing my 2007 Ford Fusion SE which was the victim of an unfortunate accident.

    Edit: I need to pick up a sunshade before Summer rolls around.

    Apr 3, 02:43 PM
    let it go about microsoft, they won, get over it. It just seems petty to hold on to some nonexistent fight for something that has already been decided. Both companies make lots of money. Just out of curiosity what industry sector do you work in because it's apparently not the IT space.

    This is the key word here.

    Apple's priority is to delight the user. Now "delight" invokes a lot things - some emotional, tactile, things which might even be disparate.

    But when you apply that priority to consumer tech, it brings together a lot of requirements to achieve this - how the device must feel; how it must look - say, on a stylish glass table or beside modern sculpture; how the UI should function; colours, fonts . . . the list goes on.

    This is why Apple is so successful. They don't focus on bringing to market a competing device that ranks high on spec sheets. They simply focus on how to delight the user.

    Thus, you get something like the iPad. While the competition still can't figure it out. Priorities, people . . . it's all about priorities.

    Apr 21, 08:51 PM
    Hi, i'm probably pushing my luck by asking this but, i was wondering if anyone knew how long after the U.S. release the rest of the world gets the imac released?

    I realise there is no set U.S release date at the moment, but judging from past releases will it be staggered like the iPad 2 or will it be released simultaneously across the world?

    Sep 6, 10:45 AM
    Please explain to me who would buy a mini and why?
    I just don't get it when a imac is close in price with a monitor.
    What am I missing?
    I have two minis, one of which is running headless, one is running with one of my extra monitors. Why would I want to buy yet another monitor? Besides which, if you're using them as a "poor man's build farm" you don't need superdrives.

    Jan 2, 11:24 AM
    Thereby adding $300 to the price...? Doesn't seem likely.
    Need four cores? Buy a Mac Pro.

    Since Intel is releasing the 2.0 Ghz C2Q chip this week, it seems likely to find its way into an iTV and/or iMac device. That's four cores on the cheap.


    Dont Hurt Me
    Aug 29, 04:37 PM
    We've all been crying for a new cube since the mini came out... is the mini an awesome machine? Absolutely, I love mine. But there is a market for a headless iMac/Cube/MacPro mini... people like me. I don't need a quad core computer. I don't need 16gb of RAM. I don't need 4 harddrive bays, or even two optical drive slots.

    I do want a fast CPU, an upgradable GPU, a couple of full size HDDs and a full size optical drive. I also want something quiet, relatively affordable (something a bit less than an iMac would be idea), and stylish.

    I don't think that Apple would lose Mac Pro sales to something like this - they might lose iMac sales but if the margins are the same for them who cares, and any loss of mini sales would be upsells, so it'd be a good thing.

    I think a lot PC types, especially gamers, would be interested, bringing in new markets... None of my gamer friends would be satisfied by an iMac, but neither would they shell out $2-3k for a Mac Pro.

    Let's see, the mini is 6.5x6.5x2 inches, would anyone even notice if it went to 8.5x8.5x4? Even better would be 8x8x8, just for the cube dimensions, done in iPod white (or black), would look stellar on a desktop. Core 2 Duo 1.83ghz, 4 RAM slots for an 8gb max with 512mb installed stock, 1 16x PCIe w/ 7300GT base (BTO options), 1 PCI slot, 2 3.5" drive bays w/ 160gb standard, 1 5.25" bay w/ SD, AE, BT2, 6 USB2 (4 back, 2 front), 1 FW 400, 1 eSATA (in place of FW800)... $999 anyone? BTO options for slower/fast CPUs and GPUs, more RAM, bigger HDD and a $200 TV tuner/video encoder breakout box... :DThat is the machine that Apple needs, at the moment its still the marketeers at Apple who seem to rule their product offerings with mini vs All in one vs workstation..

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